CMS Research
CMS Research has made its presence known in the Market Research industry. With an ever growing list of top marketing and opinion research clients, it is easy to see that insiders know CMS Research can provide the data they need. CMS Research now serves clients in all business sectors with marketing data on customer satisfaction, attitudes, uses, product, and employee feedback. Jim Cummins founded CMS Research in 1998, bringing the strength of his own extensive background and powerhouse staff with over 100 years of Market Research experience. The result is unparalleled customer service.

Jeff Cummins
President at CMS Research, with over 20 years of experience working in the Market Research Industry. He previously held Account Executive, marketing, and operations positions at TNS. For the last 15 years he has been involved in the design and management of a variety of research, including product testing, segmentation, customer satisfaction, Conjoint, and Habits and Practices. He has partnered extensively with clients to help answer key business questions and drive client success.
You can reach Jeff at (419) 843-9532, or email

Jim Cummins
Founder of CMS Research, a leading provider of automated data collection for the Marketing Research Industry. Prior to founding CMS Research, was co-owner of PinPoint Research, Managing Partner of SRC, and Executive Vice President of NFO Research. Over 40 years of market research experience with the last 20 focused on automating the interview process to enhance the respondent cooperation while reducing the cost and timing. Currently working with businesses to enhance their customer relations and improve their executive teams.
You can reach Jim at (419) 843-8570, or email
“As a pioneer in automated data collection for the market research industry, we provide premium services to those that don't have the internal ability. Working with many full service companies, consultants and end users we provide a convenient, cost effective way to collect data. We can do inbound or outbound, messages as well as data collection, English and foreign languages, domestic and international, and most importantly, a convenient option for the respondent to take the survey with Mobile, Online, or IVR."
Jeff Cummins, President